Necesitas 3 cosas muy sencillas
Contar con una cuenta en Coinmarketcap Clic aquí para crear una cuenta.
Tener una cuenta de Binance ya verificada con KYC Toca aquí para saber mas.
Tener una wallet que soporte PPAY (Plasma finance) Toca aquí para saber mas(hotbit)
Y contesta un formularia para saber que conoces de la criptomoneda FIO Protocol FIO
Preguntas y Respuesta del formulario:
1. Pregunta: PlasmaFinance is the one-stop-shop for all your DeFi needs. Which of the following can you do with PlasmaFinance?.
Respuesta: All of the above
2. Pregunta: Modern decentralized exchanges (DEXs) use......
Respuesta: Liquidity mining
3. Pregunta: PlasmaFinance promotes the use of transparent, real-time on-chain market data to provide DeFi users with an unrivalled level of assurance......
Respuesta: You have to be careful about fake data, manipulated statistics.......
4. Pregunta: When providing liquidity on DEXs, DeFi users must provide liquidity in a pair of assets. Retrieving.......
Respuesta: 1
6. Which of the following is a unique feature of PlasmaSwap, which most DEXs are unable to offer to their users?*
Respuesta: All of the above
5. Pregunta: Which of the following is a unique feature of PlasmaSwap, which most DEXs are unable to offer to their users?*
Respuesta: PPAY
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